
Monday 28 May 2012

why? why must you make me crazy???

we post sth like almost the same in about just 10mins different. I want to say sth like this:

“ Tidak halal bagi seseorang muslim itu untuk tidak bercakap kepada saudaranya lebih dari 3 hari, sesiapa yg tidak mahu bercakap dengan saudaranya lebih dari 3 hari lalu ia mati maka ia masuk neraka.” (HR. Abu Daud)

then you posted this:

"Dan tidaklah sama (kesannya dan hukumnya) perbuatan yang baik dan perbuatan yang jahat. Tolaklah (kejahatan yang ditujukan kepadamu) dengan cara yang lebih baik, apabila engkau berlaku demikian maka orang yang menaruh rasa permusuhan terhadapmu, dengan serta merta akan menjadi seolah-olah seorang sahabat karib." ( Fusshilat : 34 )

Firman Allah ini jelas menyatakan tentang metode penyelesaian masalah pergaduhan atau pertelingkahan.

Semestinya kita akan MARAH jika seseorang melakukan kejahatan kepada kita.

Persoalannya, adakah kita tidak pernah melakukan kejahatan kepada orang lain?

Mungkin Allah menganugerahkan seseorang untuk menyakitkan hati kita supaya kita boleh berfikir adakah Allah akan marah jika melakukan maksiat kepadanya? 

Oleh itu, berlapang dada atas kejahatan yang menimpa diri kita.

Maaf itu adalah cara penyelesaian yang terbaik.


why? how? huh??
can you read my mind or what??
but anyway, thanks!
everything that you posted makes me smile...
so at least today I'll smile the whole day! hihihi!!!

Tuesday 22 May 2012


i've hurt even more it's just that i never tell u...

sometimes we don't realize our own mistakes while always realize others' mistakes...
sometimes we always blaming others while actually it's our fault...
sometimes we are just pretending to be nice while actually we are not...
sometimes it's hurt to know the truth but actually it's better to know...
sometimes we are too ego, proud to be ourselves while others might feel annoying...
sometimes it's better to ignore than care...
sometimes we misunderstood but never ask again...
sometimes people see us at the bad side only and never know our true self...
sometimes people see others are better than us while again they don't know the truth...
sometimes we used bad words without any intention, but do we realize what other people feel?

muhasabah diri sendiri...
sentiasa perbaiki diri...

Monday 21 May 2012

habeh juo presentation 2P den!

hahaha! lalalala! at last! alhamdulillah...everything went smoothly..maybe it was not exactly like what i've planned but yeah, it's good...eventhough i was like a stupid person reading the text in english so badly. Malu giler kot! but at least dh selesai..watpe nak pk lg! hahaha! hatiku gumbira!
maybe berkat sahabat2 yg m'doakan... ^__^v
thank YOU! 
and berkat i'm fasting today, thanks to my roomate yg igtkan...if not, ak pun alpa...
may all of us be blessed! YEAY! 

Saturday 19 May 2012

nobody knows except YOU

Ya Allah...
I'm Yours...

Friday 18 May 2012 u really mean it...

i called my mum this morning to talked about my future, my situation n my feelings right now. her response makes me a bit nervous..huh~ do know that feeling when your parents are like supporting u to get married n to me it's like they want me to stay away from them, just because i'm old enough to be a wife. i feel like i'm not ready to be a wife but she said conversely. she'll also said that she'll be glad if....ahh, nevermind...i don't wanna said it unless it's going to be true. it's going to be weird. i used to be my parents' baby n what's going to happen if i got married? they won't treat me the same as before. my mum said, 'ala...mula2 je ckp cmtu..nnt dh kawin nnt ko xigt dh kat ibu..busy ngn laki ko je..' i feel like i wanna cry when i heard this.. no mum, that's not going to happen, i'm promise that!
'ibu sentiasa doakn yg tebaik utk anak2 ibu' she always says this and it makes me smile.. i love u ibu..i don't wanna leave u..even though i know the time will come... :(

Wednesday 16 May 2012

who changes who?

Smile. I always smile when I think of him...the ustaz. I'm sure he'll never read this post so that I dare to write about him.
the ustaz to me is so different. of course because he's an USTAZ! what can I expect from him is just his words and his sayings which are so comforting. I can feel that I could easily be close to him in his way of treating me. he treats me well, I can say that. everyone who talks to him will feel the same way that I feel. He's nice, he's good in religion, he's sensitive and he's smart with a good sense of humour. he really touches my heart and I admire him.
but, when I think of this twice, I feel like I am... (wait, while I was typing this, he likes my new status on FB just now. again, I SMILE!) OK, back to my story. - I feel like I am a bad person who is going to change him into a person who  is as bad as me. while actually he's supposed to change me right? I'm so afraid about this...seriously n honestly, I wanna be his close friend, I want him to be someone who I can refer to, I don't want to lose him by avoiding him. but I'm afraid that my character will influence him to be bad. oh ustaz...pls be strong! pls remains to be the way u are and let me change myself to be a good person as u...
besides, somehow I feel like I am just 'perasan'! the ustaz will never look at me pun... he's just doing his dakwah la... of course he treats his other friends the same. he's trying to change people in his own way by being close to them n then delivers his dakwah. that's what happened between us actually. I should really think like this so that I won't be thinking too far about our relationship. aik! the way I said our relationship mcm la ada something..hehehe~

Tuesday 15 May 2012

am i really ready?

out of 5000 graduates, only 300 graduates are going to be posting here, in semenanjung. major factor here because they were married. when i think about this last night. i said to my friends that i wanna get married before posting so that i can be posting here in semenanjung. of course, if u ask future teachers, especially female students, they don't want to be send to sabah or sarawak. so same goes to me. i don't think i manage to survive there ALONE! oh my....i really DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE! there's no life there, n i could die because of being bored! there's no family, no more games for me, no TV, no shopping mall! n i really really gonna die because of fooooodddd!!!! pls la...dont imagine u could hv ice cream when it's hot, no pizza hut, no mum's special treats...but yes..u'll get a lot of experience and experience is the best teacher. but  NO! still no! i'm not ready to go there!

but, am i ready to get married? i mean MARRIED?? i always call my self miss eryn n suddenly i have to change it to MRS ERYN? huh....
just now, i call my dad n tell him about this and he said 'hah, kawin la!' n said, 'tp xde calon, ayah carikan la~' n guess what? he just laughing! =.=" do u think he's going to find someone for me? really? if yes~  hahaha! then i'll be married in about a year or two from now? what's going to happen in my future, nobody knows except Him. I'm sure Allah had prepared the best for me and i trust Him. InsyaAllah.. i'm going to be OK! peace!!!

Friday 11 May 2012

I'm a stalker!

Happy happy happy.....lalalalalala~
Crazy crazy crazy.......
stay the way u r so then I can continue looking at u...
when i see u r online, i'm smiling...
when i read ur status i'm smiling even wider...
when u like my status i'm laughing...
when u comment on my status i feel like crazy....
when i keep looking at ur photo album every single day, i feel like flying...
oopps!!! hehehe~
i know who i am n u'll never look at someone like me..
but at least by just be ur stalker, i know i'm happy...
pls stay the way u r...

Saturday 5 May 2012


fuh! lama giler xde new post kat sini...ala bkn ada org nk bca pun..trima je la hakikat...caitt!
em...nothing much happened pun...except I realized sth. I'm tired..really tired! seriously! I'm tired of being 'kepala'... do u get what i mean? I dont like doing last minute work. if i could, i wanna settle all my work as soon as possible. I always want to be prepared. I hate waiting! I always think what I'm going to do at least a day before it happen. it's hard to explain who I am. but if u know me well, u should know better. I'm not saying that I'm perfect or I'm good but that's me. a normal human being who maybe hv and lack of sth.
when I was acting like ketua, people misunderstood me. but if i dont act like that there will be no work done. even sometimes I feel like ahh! mls la nk ambik tau. but still, i'll care.
i'm tired....
i always saying the truth, i'm the honest person that u'll never meet an honest person better. but still, the truth is hurt. people saying sth behind u..u dont know that and i'm just telling the truth in front of u and u see me as a bad person. do u think everybody else say nothing about u? they r hypocrite! they show that they are good to u in front of u but the say sth bad behind u. i know u dont understand what i'm going to explain. my english teruk giler. but lantak la! ad ak ksh!
i'm tired.....
i see that, when people call someone who is older than them 'kakak',  they at least see the 'batasan' and give some respect to the kakak. if this means i can get some respect n they know batasan. I want them to call me kakak. i dont care if i look old with the 'kakak'. i just want some respect! i hv a brother who also just one year younger than me but he respects me! why cant them? they are not my family, they hv no relationship with me! dont they feel ashamed? biane~
i'm tired....
really tired....
i'm sorry~