
Sunday 31 March 2013

Salam ukhuwah~New friends

I got a chance to be in such a beautiful round of happiness...
They offered me a wonderful friendship and it's an honour to accept it...
It doesn't matter how late I met them but it's about how great I can meet them...
I love them lillahi taa'la...
I want to meet them again...insyaAllah...
Thank you Allah...
for giving me this wonderful opportunity...
Thank you sahabat...
for accompanied me...
Thank you new friends...
for giving and sharing with me...

Friday 29 March 2013


Kita slalu memberi n menerima...
Terima kasih sahabat.
Kita jgk kongsi mcm2 cerita...
Terima kasih sahabat.
Ada perkara yg kita minat sama, ada yg xsama...
Xpe, itu yg buat kita lebih erat.
Kita xdpt lari drpd bsengketa n b'masam muka...
Xpe, itu pun buat kita lebih dekat.
Dan kdg2 mungkin aku lupa,
Lupa utk ucap kata maaf n terima kasih, sahabat.

Maafkan aku n terima kasih sahabat...
Maafkan aku kerana xdpt mnjdi sahabat yg baik.
Namun ketahuilah, aku sentiasa cuba utk jadi yg terbaik.
Maafkan aku kerana sentiasa menyusahkanmu.
Namun, igtlah sentiasa ada rasa bersalah dlm hatiku.
Terima kasih utk ukhuwah yg indah ini.
X mungkin akan ada pengganti lain utk ukhuwah sehebat ini.
Terima kasih kerana sentiasa ada.
Terima kasih utk segalanya.

Semoga ukhuwah kita bukan sementara,
Tetapi ukhuwah yg membawa hgga ke syurga.
Aku sayang ko lillahi ta'ala~

Thursday 28 March 2013


kita slalu nmpk kat kdai2...especially yg jual brg kaca...

'nice to see nice to hold, once broken consider sold'

tapi kan girls...jom jadi mcm 'pelangi'...

'nice to see and cannot be hold'


but! nice to see here, bkn bmkna kita makeup mcm plangi no no!!! nice to see in the sense that aurat terpelihara, adab terjaga, pkaian muslimah, jln cara muslimah, bckp gaya muslimah, etc. You'll look nice for sure! hah...kan...baru STYLO!

Wednesday 27 March 2013

lets create something new!

sometimes, do not go where the path may lead.
go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

ceriakan dirimu dan harimu akan ceria

Rasulullah SAW bersabda; janganlah sekali-kali engkau meremehkan kebaikan walau sekadar bertemu saudaramu dengan wajah ceria. (dari Abu Dzar r.a)

Monday 25 March 2013


'EX' means he's our EXperience.
Our time together with him has EXpired.
And now he has EXit from our life.
Our time now is EXclusively for Allah.

Saturday 23 March 2013

are you reading this?

i wonder if these 7 followers really read my blog...

Wednesday 20 March 2013

it's hurt

The ones closest to you are the ones that hurt you the most...

when it really hurts no one knows
because if it's a small matter i will say it
but if it's not, i'll keep it.

Tuesday 19 March 2013


ayah...I miss you so much....
I couldnt tell you this but I really miss you...
I hope you'll get better soon.
Pls be strong, stay healthy!
We still need you....
No one can replace you...
I'll be a good daughter, I promised.
Stay the way you are...
We all love you...

I miss us walking together while holding each other hands...
You are the best man in my life. I love you! <3

Monday 18 March 2013


Just because her eyes don’t tear doesn’t mean her heart doesn’t cry.
And just because she comes off strong, doesn’t mean there’s nothing wrong.

Sunday 17 March 2013

again, i'm sorry...

Behind my smile is a hurting heart,
behind my laugh I’m falling apart.

Look closely at me and you will see,
the girl I am, it isn't me…

My friends say I am so strong. I wish I could say this to them:
I am tired of trying, I am tired over crying, I know I am smiling but inside I am dying!
may be then they would realise I am just a good actress!

Saturday 16 March 2013

What I need the most right now

I need some time for myself....
Just myself....
Seriously, I have no mood to talk nonsense like usual.
I am sorry....

Friday 15 March 2013

dear friends....

I feel so miserable that I can’t be around normal people without making them miserable, too…
I'm so sorry girls...

p/s: org yg hebat ialah org yg bersedih namun masih mampu buat org lain gembira.

Saturday 9 March 2013

when he speaks...

LIL Hariz : Cinta tu bukan je buta tp pekak.
     me : Knp Hariz ckp camtu?
LIL Hariz : Yela...bila dah bercinta, ckp org pun xdgr.
me :  =__=!

p/s: girls n boys out there, he knows better than u! 
      and he's only 10!

Wednesday 6 March 2013

people judge

You know my name, not my story....
You've heard what I've done, not what I've been through.

p/s: awk, sy pinjam status awk. TQ! Gedik! :-P

Tuesday 5 March 2013

people come people go

a lot of people around,
there's no way I can find you.
people laughing all the time,
there's no way I can laugh without you.
people buzzing around,
so do I since I'm not with you.

you don't have to worry,
I'll find someone better.
you don't have to worry,
I smile when I don't laugh.
you don't have to worry,
I'll always be busy with my life.

*BBW 3/3/2013*

Monday 4 March 2013

an old granny

an old granny
she needs hands that can hold her
she needs ears that can listen to her
she needs mouth that can pray for her
she needs eyes that can keep looking for her
she needs hearts that can understand her
she needs someone that can always support her
and tell her that she'll be fine and live longer....

Saturday 2 March 2013

melody and memory

In sleep you sing to me,
In dream you come.

My disease is getting serious. And it is so out of control. I admit that it affect my daily activities. I feel like there is an old granny in my body. Sometimes, I feel ashamed and it makes my confidence level lower than before. Doctor said that I need to calm myself. Do something that I like, avoid tension situation, be nice to people, listen to music, listen to Quran recitation, or anything that can make me feel comfortable.

Recently, I listen to sentimental music. Not really actually. It's just a piano. And I think I really like it. It makes me feel more relaxing. I come to realize that in some melody, there is a memory, there is a meaning behind it. Of course, differ meaning for differ listener. Yiruma_pianist. I admire him.

Also, I am going to memorize Yaasin. I did before but now I can't completely recite without reading it. It's my bad, when I left it I tend to forget it. That is why I must listen to it everyday and read it while I still can. Why Yaasin? Because when I listen and read it, I feel confidence.

I am not perfect. Nobody is perfect. I can't be perfect. I won't be perfect.
So, you don't have to try to be one.
I am a person with many flaws.
So, try to improve yourself everyday.
I used to be very healthy.
So, be thankful when you are now.

Friday 1 March 2013

self talk

I wonder why I like him,
I miss him,
I wanna hold his hands,
I wanna be with him,
Then I realize that it's a disease.
But the things that make me happy now
will make him hurt later.
Even if he wants to make me hurt,
come into my dreams is not the way.
"Come on, don't come into my dreams!"
  "You are selfish!"
"No, I'm not!"
I've made the most selfish decision in my life,
How could I be more selfish?
I don't have much time to like him,
so why must I hate him?
Compared to forget,
to me pain is so much easier.