
Tuesday 5 February 2013

Don't give up my tree!

Dear my tree,
Do you know my tree?
That a tree will look more attractive with grumbling bark,
So, don't worry if something or someone has scrapping you.
Because it makes you look better,
it makes you truly a tree.
Yes, it makes you feel a bit hurt,
but it is not a big deal.
You will still grow into a big and useful tree.
Only then, every living things will need you.
People rest under you, birds make nests on you.
Your fruits make them happy, your leaves make them in love.
Don't be sad my tree.
Just believe in yourself, believe in God,
You will be a wonderful tree.

p/s: dedicated to my dearest friend. I know sooner or later you will read this. ^__^

1 comment:

  1. i see a bird flying,
    i see a rabbit running,
    i see them jumping, hoping,
    with fear,i stand still,
    with cowardliness,i watched them,
    i want to run!
    i want to fly, jump!
    i want to hop!
    but to hope is like to dream,
    dreams that can never be true,
    as i am a tree.

    came one little girl,
    sheds under the tree,
    'thank you, tree' makes me realizes,
    that i'm not a mere tree,
    i cannot run, jump or hop,
    but i can grow,
    i give them shelter,
    i give them fruits,
    i give them oxygen,
    thank you little girl.

    ^_____^ arigatou, nakama!
